Village Summer Camp Partners with Save The Mermaids!

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The Village Summer Camp is proud to begin our partnership with our friends Save the Mermaids, an environmental awareness group who is helping us get our kids into the ocean and become aware of how to better take care of it. We had our first introduction to ocean exploration at the tide pools today where the children were able to get a first hand glimpse of marine life. Kaia and Rene were our mermaid leaders who taught us names of different animals, how tides work, what kinds of man made materials may effect this marine life, and what we can do to help. The children were introduced to an ocean project they will work on all summer to gain certain prizes such as kayaking, paddle boarding, and even a trip to the Channel Islands! After our lesson, the children chose to stay and explore the tide pools until the high tide chased us out! We are so excited about the opportunities given to us from Save the Mermaids and are looking forward to an ocean and beach friendly summer! If you are going to the Solstice festival in Santa Barbara, be sure to visit their booth and ask about sponsoring a child or how you can help get more kids out on the water with them!

You can also donate through their website!

Newsdean wilson