The Doman Method Online Course!

When a child is diagnosed with special needs or a brain injury, it opens up a whole new world for both them and their parents. This world can easily be scary and overwhelming, but it has potential for a new and unfamiliar beauty. Often the most difficult thing to deal with after accepting a diagnosis is simply where on earth to start in terms of treatment and reducing symptoms.
Resources for families with children with special needs or brain injury can be difficult to find and hard to come by at times. It can be overwhelming to try and gather information and find all of the right programs and specialists to provide your child with the most building blocks to grow and overcome potential limitations. One of the best features of The Doman MethodTM Course: From Special Needs to Wellness online is that it compiles many different specialists and aspects of health to create a whole-person focused treatment plan. While the main focus of the Doman MethodⓇ is take advantage of neuroplasticity (to learn more about neuroplasticity, read our last blog!), Douglas and Spencer Doman recognize that there are many aspects of health that contribute to neuroplasticity that need to be cultivated. Because of this, The Doman MethodTM Course: From Special Needs to Wellness online course approaches treatment from an integrative approach. A child on the Doman MethodⓇ program will engage in many different activities and exercises to stimulate brain function, but they will also work with a nutritionist to optimize their diet, a sleep specialist to maximize the length and quality of their sleep, and more!
Fortunately, even though the Doman MethodⓇ course does address and cover a multitude of different aspects of health and wellness, their program indtroduces each apect individually and slowly so that both the child and the family can adjust as-needed. The program also provides ways in which siblings of a child with special needs or brain injury can partcipate so that they grow alongside and get to help in the process of their sibling’s journey to wellness.
Doman International is committed to the whole family of children with special needs or a brain injury and they are also committed to the health of the whole child. They maintain that children with special needs or a brain injury have just as much potential inherently within them as well children do, they just may require more intentional stimulation and challenging to draw it out. This is done by utilizing the beautiful asset of the human brain called neuroplasticity, which refers to the brain’s capacity to adapt and respond well to stimulation in its environment! All brains are capable of neuroplasticity on some level, but science has shown that there are some additional actions any individual can take in order to enhance and even increase their brain’s inherent neuroplasticity. Some of these things include specific diets tailored to each individual’s specific nutritional needs, consistent exercise to strengthen the body and improve cardiac health which in turn feeds oxygen to the brain, and cognitive exercise and training like learning how to read or do math. The Doman MethodTM Course: From Special Needs to Wellness online course provides families with access to all of the information and assistance they might need to build and plan a treatment course specific to their child’s needs and giftings.
To learn more about Doman International, find the link to their website here. To enter their online course, click the link here. Douglas and Spencer Doman were also interviewed by Good Life TV a number of times; click the button below to watch one of them!