The Doman Method - An Inside Scoop!

Many parents with children with special needs or a brain injury can come to find themselves overwhelmed by despair and feeling isolated in their own life experience and the life experiences of their child. They can often feel like they’ve fallen through the cracks of the healthcare system and that their children will never be able to have the same opportunities as well children. The team at Doman International knows this isn’t true; children with special needs and brain injuries have just as much potential as well children, it just takes a special type of cultivation to draw it out.
Enter the Doman MethodⓇ! Douglas Doman, founder of Doman International, and Spencer Doman, Douglas’s son and the current CEO, have actually written a book titled The Doman Method: From Special Needs to Wellness. The Doman MethodⓇ was originally developed by Douglas’s father, Glenn Doman and has continued to be refined and implemented by Douglas and his son, Spencer Doman. When the Doman MethodⓇ was first introduced, it was a result of Glenn’s intuition as a neurosurgeon to treat the brain instead of the symptoms, but not yet backed up by science. Now, science has shown us that Glenn’s intuition was correct; neuroplasticity in the brain specifically holds the key to unlocking the potential in every developing child, especially those with special needs or brain injury. Neuroplasticity refers to the ways in which the brain has the capacity to rewire itself in more efficient ways or in compensatory ways so as to maintain normal or increased functioning. In order to take full advantage of neuroplasticity and its effect on behavior, the brain must be stimulated properly, oftentimes in ways it is unfamiliar with.
This book, The Doman Method: From Special Needs to Wellness, was written as a way of providing parents with a physical guide, a toolbox with which to invest in their child’s development into wellness. It provides specific and practical insight and steps to taking advantage of a child’s neuroplasticity and rewiring their brain to optimize potential. The Doman MethodⓇ restores and enhances the quality of everyday living in a way that medications simply do not have the power to offer. Seemingly simple things like walking, communicating, sleeping, sensory process and response, and cognition can be a bit more difficult of milestones to achieve initially for children with special needs or brain injuries. With the Doman MethodⓇ, all of these goals can be attained with perseverance and consistency. The Doman MethodⓇ offers children with special needs or brain injuries many things medication cannot, but most importantly, it treats the problem at the source, not just the surface symptoms. It moves past the outward manifestation of illness or injury in order to treat what is actually causally occurring in the brain.
We at the Turner Foundation are proud to be partnering with Doman International to provide this resource to children and families in need of it. To learn more about Doman International, find the link to their website here. To order their book, The Doman Method: From Special Needs to Wellness, click the link here. To watch an interview with Dean Wilson and Douglas and Spencer Doman on Good Life TV, click the button below!