Summer Health/Wellness Unit


This summer the students of the The Lighthouse Learning Center worked on a health and wellness unit where groups were assigned to research a specific vegetable. Students were to research nutrition facts on their vegetable and also find a recipe that featured their vegetable as the main ingredient that they would enjoy eating. The final project was to create a poster to display in the learning center and also bring in a sample of their recipe so others may try it as well. Field trips related to this unit were to Pilgrim Terrace Tower Gardens, Trinity Gardens, Gelson's Grocery Store, The Food Bank of Santa Barbara, and a cooking demonstration by vegan Mexican restaurant Taco Tuyo. Students conducted research from books we got from the library and also from the internet. Their final projects and recipes were shared at our end of the year Fiesta celebration. Our featured vegetables were zucchini, kale, spinach, tomatoes, cucumber, cauliflower, and broccoli- all ones that are grown locally and can be easily accessible in Santa Barbara.

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