All About Doman International

One of our focus areas of service here at The Turner Foundation surrounds children and families with special needs. We strive to support these families well through many different outlets, one of which being our partnership with Doman International. 

Doman International is one of the world's leading organizations in the treatment and care of children with special needs. Doman International Institute was founded by Douglas Doman after his father, Glenn Doman, pioneered The Doman MethodⓇ treatment program. It is currently run by Douglas’ son, Spencer Doman, the current CEO. 

At the heart of Doman International is a deep desire to see children and families with special needs flourishing and utilizing their fullest potential. Many parents of children with special needs have an experience where their concerns are brushed off or invalidated by the healthcare system, being told to “just wait”  because normal development will eventually ensue. When it turns out that this is not the case and that a child may in fact be experiencing some developmental delays, parents are infuriated–and rightfully so. Doman International is holistically oriented, both in terms of your child’s health, but also to the family unit as a whole. They work side-by-side with families to determine the best course of treatment for each individual child and their family unit. Doman International believes the best source of early detection is a parent’s intuition.

Doman International is focused on uncovering and drawing out the intelligence and potential in every child by helping them overcome the limitations they may face as a result of their diagnosis and to eventually excel in every area of life. In the face of an unexpected or difficult diagnosis, it can be easy for parents to lose hope and to feel alone or overwhelmed. Doman International is committed to the children and families they serve, to be present, to be positive, and to never give up! Doman International and The Turner Foundation both believe that every child, every family, is worth fighting for. 

The Doman MethodⓇ is applicable to many diagnoses, but the common denominator is the brain and diagnoses related to abnormal brain function like ADD, autism, trisomy 21 (down syndrome), cerebral palsy, etc. Yet, while the Doman MethodⓇ was originally developed for children with special needs, it also is highly constructive and valuable for any child in the early developmental age, even without a diagnosis. By taking advantage of the neuroplasticity of the brain the Doman MethodⓇ restores and encourages the development of normal and even improved functioning in terms of speech, comprehension, reading, writing, gross motor skills, and more! The focus is always on the health of the whole child and the whole family unit, so Doman International offers a range of services, from nutrition and diet planning to promote brain development and function, to consultations on how to maximize the child’s sleep and sleep benefits, to life-coaching for parents on how to navigate caring for both themselves and their child. 

We at The Turner Foundation are proud to be partners with Doman International and provide scholarships for low-income families so their children can receive the best care possible. To learn more about Doman International and what they offer, visit their website here or get access to their free on-ramp webinar here. Click the link to watch the interview with Dean Wilson and Douglas and Spencer Doman on Good Life TV below.

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